Thursday, 13 October 2011

St John's Church, Largs

I came across this church in Largs - a former seaside holiday destination as well as serious agricultural centre - when asked to quote on a few windows. So I took the opportunity to wander around. I don't have very much information about the building or the windows.

The building was constructed about 1840. It is clear that there was a lot of glass installed in the 1880's and 18890's. The majority of the glass seems to have been designed according to a plan. For example, the Chancel represents Christ and the Apostles who are attributed as the authors of the Biblical books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.


Christ, Saviour of the World

And then in order, left to right:





And then in a poorly lit corner is another window of the same size which makes a stylistic link the the large windows on the North side of the church.

The Good Shepherd

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